The DAO values and understands that talent is widespread, and having the flexibility to choose one's determined task can create the ability to establish trust and value within a global community. Offering the ability to tap into this globalized talent pool through an organic and growing bounty process presents opportunity and capability for resources to be utilized within the needs of both the community and the contributors willing to share determined ability to build together.
The DAO has different workstreams that can and frequently offer bounty work when available. We are continuing to build our resources and working on common documentation that will further detail work expectations as well as effective process flow.
For engineers, feel free to join Dework here:
or our Discord channel here:
To check on a specific workstream bounty board, check these links below:
Engineering Bounties
Products Bounties
KeepKey Bounties
Growth and Marketing opportunities
NOTE: Currently there are no open bounties as ShapeShift is concentrating on developing all features etc in house. Not to say there wont be Bounties in the future but currently Bounties are not being offered.
When they become available again, make sure to check the relevant channels listed above!
Last updated